You Don't Trust Big Pharma? Achieve Winter Wellness with Knowledge & Natural Remedies

Hi Reader,

Do you worry about dealing with winter illnesses without going to the doctor or pharmacy?

Do you wish you had a natural “medicine” cabinet ready for this winter?

If you desire to be more prepared for the colds and flus that are coming - we can help.

When you come to our Deep Winter Health Workshop Day on December 2nd, you will learn an integrative approach to winter wellness from Clinical Herbalist, Jim Furey.

You’ll be empowered with the knowledge of different lifestyle techniques, supplements, and seasonal eating habits found throughout traditional medicine systems in colder weather to live in harmony with the environment.

Imagine learning the skills to build up your herbal medicine cabinet, make connections with others who value natural wellness and bringing home natural remedies you can use with confidence.

📆 Workshop Day: December 2nd
🕙 Time: 10 AM - 3 PM
💫 Featuring: Clinical Herbalist, Jim Furey
💡 2 Workshops: $29 each for farm members. $35 for non members.
Lunch: enjoy digesting what you learned with fellow participants with your packed lunch or purchase ready to eat farm food in our market store.

Come to both workshops for the best understanding winter health paired with practical knowledge to prevent and treat the illnesses you encounter.

Morning Class: Deep Winter Wellness Lecture

In this class we will be exploring common maladies in the winter months and how to take an integrative approach to winter wellness. We will be talking about different herbs for general health as well as appropriate herbs for different ailments of the season. Herbs to help keep you warm, your joints moving, boost your immune system, and keep your skin moisturized. We will be covering different lifestyle techniques, supplements, and seasonal eating habits found throughout traditional medicine systems in colder weather to live in harmony with the environment. (Approx 1.5 hours)

Afternoon Class: Cold & Flu Season Overview + Winter Medicine Make and Take

During this class we will be discussing:
- different symptom patterns that present during the cold and flu season.
- Herbal allies for immune support throughout the season.
- Herbs for relief of illness once it is acquired.
- Lifestyle & Nutrition to help support the immune system and the body during this time.
- Varying cultural perspectives on disease and treatment.
- In this class there will be theory and demonstrations of how to make fire cider, garlic infused honey, & elderberry syrup. Each student will be able to leave with a sample of one of their choosing. (Approx 2 hours)​

Willow Haven Farm Grows Self Reliant Farm Members

"If I can't make it or grow it myself, I know where I can get it from people I know and trust." - Lisa L, Oct 2023

You'll learn to make your own fire cider, garlic infused honey and elderberry syrup at the afternoon workshop.

Can't make these yourself this winter? We've got you covered.

Storm's End supplies these to you in our farm store.

Additionally, we now have Tinctures from Dumb Ox Distillery:

  • Headache Tincture
  • Sleep Ease Tincture
  • Elderberry Tincture
  • Stomach Aid Tincture
  • Echinacea Tincture

After attending this Winter Wellness Workshop Day you'll be prepared for winter and return home with the natural "medicines" that will assist your body in the best ways possible.

Don't miss out!

We'll keep farming for you!

Reuben and Tessa DeMaster
Willow Haven Farm

P.S. I'm planning to sit in on every minute of these classes to learn what more I can do for my family this winter to avoid getting sick. Space is limited to 20 participants at each workshop. Reserve both classes now!

Tessa DeMaster

Growing up on my family's farm in Pennsylvania, I never would have pictured the life I live at Willow Haven farm. As a kid I spent summers in our large family garden we called, “The Truck Patch”. I helped mom every summer, picking beans, weeding, and cutting fruit and vegetables for the hundreds of jars of canned and frozen produce we put up. Now I spends less time out in the field and more time in the kitchen doing the same preserving for my own farm family. Farmer Reuben values my many hours doing much of the behind the scenes marketing, writing emails to cultivate customers and capturing the farm story each week. I'm always learning along the way in my quest to improve the farm experience for each of her current and future farm members in our 500+ member, year-round customized farm box delivery program. Reading our stories will connect you with your food in a way you never experienced before. Someday soon you will want to fit local food into your life and we'll be here to help you.

Read more from Tessa DeMaster
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